How Can You Tell High-Quality Artificial Grass in Nigeria?

Are you planning to install artificial grass on your lawn? Synthetic turf is the best outdoor flooring material homeowners in Nigeria can use. But choosing artificial grass in Nigeria can be a daunting task for newbies. If you are new to using artificial turf, how can you tell which is right for you? The article answers the question, how can you tell high-quality artificial grass in Nigeria? It helps Nigerian homeowners select the best artificial turf to landscape their lawn. Also, it explains the qualities of good synthetic turf.

How to Identify Good Quality Artificial Grass in Nigeria?

The first step to laying artificial grass is purchasing turf from a supplier in Nigeria. If you have used artificial grass before, you will know what to look for when selecting your turf. But most property owners in Nigeria are new to artificial grass carpets. Most have not even seen it before except on a super website. This can be challenging because you have to select the right turf for your lawn if you want it to last longer. So, if you are new and don’t know how to select high-quality artificial grass, you should look for these qualities in the turf: 

  1. The artificial grass should have a realistic finish.
  2. The artificial turf should have a soft surface texture.
  3. The artificial grass should have holes to allow for drainage.
  4. The synthetic turf should have a high blade density so that it will look lush. 

Now let’s consider the qualities of good artificial grass, one after the other. 

Realistic Finish

The artificial grass you want to install on your lawn should have a real natural grass look. This is crucial if you want your garden or lawn to look real. First-generation artificial turfs have a plastic finish that will make people recognize them as fake. That is why most homeowners will refer to a lawn that is made with the old artificial grass as fake grass. Advancement in technology has made it possible for engineers to produce artificial grass that looks like real grass. This is possible because the color will not fade easily. Also, the blade density of the newer generation turf is thick and gives the impression of natural carpet grass. So, if you are planning to use artificial grass in Nigeria, you should ensure that you purchase the newer generation turf. This turf has a realistic look of real grass and can never be distinguished from natural carpet grass. 

Soft Surface Texture

Aside from having a beautiful surface texture, high-quality artificial grass must have a soft texture. That is why when selecting your synthetic turf, you should consider how easy it is to walk or play (in the case of children) on it. To determine the surface of your turf, you can feel the blades before you purchase them. The blades must be soft and resilient. A roll of artificial grass with soft blades is easy to walk on. Also, if the blades are resilient, they will bounce when you press them down with your feet. 

Good Holes for Drainage

Artificial grass needs good holes to help drain the turf after it rained. That is why the turf you select must have a good backing with lots of holes to aid the easy movement of water. If the holes in the grass backing are not large enough, then there will be water retention after rain, and it might cause a little flooding. Aside from that, you will find your turf unusable. So, when you visit an artificial grass supplier in Lagos or Ibadan or other parts of Nigeria, you ensure that you check the turf well.

High Blades Density

The blade density of artificial grass matters. High blade density turf will look like real carpet grass. Also, turf with high density will last longer than turf with low blade density. You should examine the turf and feel it with your hand to know how thick the blades of the grass are. Also, you should try counting the blades of the artificial grass. If the blades are too much to count, the turf has a high blade density. 

Choosing Artificial Grass in Nigeria

High-Quality Artificial Grass in Nigeria

After you have determined the quality of artificial grass you want, there are still some things you have to consider. The reason for installing the turf is one thing Nigerian homeowners should consider before purchasing artificial grass. If you plan to use the turf in a busy commercial setting, it is recommended to select a turf with a low pile height. Also, you should consider the size of the area you want to install the turf and your budget. 


How can you tell high-quality artificial grass in Nigeria? To tell high-quality artificial turf, you should ensure that it has a realistic look, lots of holes for drainage, a soft surface texture and high blade density. 

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