What Are the Different Types of Floor Tiles in Nigeria?

If you are looking for more information on the different types of floor tiles available in Nigeria, you are on the right page. There are lots of floor tiles homeowners in Nigeria can use for their home improvement projects and each comes with its benefits. If you are a newbie searching for the best tiles to use, getting the best can strain you. That is why we have created this article to give you more information about the various types of floor tiles in Nigeria and their features. 

Tip: We understand that there are different types of floor tiles in Nigeria, while most tiles have lots of differences, others like porcelain and ceramics have few differences. So, in this article, we are going to talk about ceramic vs. porcelain tiles, cement tiles, stone tiles, and glazed vs. unglazed tiles.  

Ceramic Tiles vs. Porcelain Floor Tiles – Knowing the Differences between the Two

Ceramic floor tiles are made from clay at high temperatures in a kiln until a durable and long-lasting tile is formed. Porcelain tiles are also made from clay at high temperatures. In fact, both ceramic and porcelain tiles are some of the oldest and most popular flooring options in Nigeria. 

The reason for that is simple. Ceramic and porcelain tiles are gorgeous, durable, and versatile. If maintained properly, both floor tiles can last for decades when you install them on the floor of your house. 

Difference between Ceramic and Porcelain Floor Tiles

One difference between ceramic and porcelain tiles is that porcelain is made of a more refined clay material than regular ceramic tiles. Aside from that, remember that both ceramic tiles and porcelain are baked at a high temperature, but porcelain is baked at a higher temperature than ceramic tiles. 

This makes porcelain tiles to be less porous. Less porous tiles will absorb less water, become less prone to staining, and are more durable than other flooring material because it is less prone to swelling. Porcelain water absorption rate is 0.5% or lower, which is more than ceramic tiles. But that is not to say that porcelain tiles don’t have their downsides too. 

That their surfaces are well polished makes them less slip-resistant than ordinary ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles have a high COF rating, which makes them perfect for home flooring. The COF rating is the coefficient of friction rating, which is used to measure the slip-resistant feature of a tile. A suitable tile should have a COF rating of 50 or higher.  

Cement Floor Tiles

Cement floor tiles are fired at room temperature, making them different from ceramic and porcelain. These kinds of tiles are made of cement and come in beautiful patterns and colors. 

Like porcelain tiles, cement tiles are durable and environmentally friendly. But that is not to say that it doesn’t have downsides. Cement tiles can be porous and cold underfoot. Aside from that, cement tiles are thick and heavy, so you need a subfloor when installing them. 

Stone Floor Tiles

Stone floor tiles in Nigeria

Stone floor tiles are another option for Nigerian homeowners that want a durable and long-lasting floor in their homes. This type of floor tile is made from stone and can last a lifetime because of its durability. And because they are made of natural stones, stone floor tiles in Nigeria are eco-friendly. Besides, they have a high COF rating, making them slip-resistant. 

Types of Stone Floor Tiles

Sandstone – This type of floor tile is made from sandstone. It is durable and has gorgeous designs. 

Limestone – Limestone floor tiles are durable and attractive, making them perfect for home improvement in Nigeria. This type of tile is made of limestone or travertine. But travertine floor tiles have a creamy, fibrous look. 

Quartzite – Quartzite is another kind of floor tile available in Nigeria. It is a hard, glassy sandstone tile that sparkles with tiny quartz crystals. 

Slate – This kind of tile is tough and attractive. Also, it has a good COF rating, which makes it popular in the kitchen.

Granite – Granite tiles are popularly used for countertops. It is strong and durable, lasting a lifetime when you use it.

Glazed vs Unglazed Floor Tiles

What Are the Different Types of Floor Tiles in Nigeria?

Glazing a tile involves adding an extra layer of enamel or liquid glass over the surface and then baking it at a super-high temperature. When it is cool, the glass forms a glaze over the tile surface. 

Pros and Cons of Glazed Tiles

Glazing a floor tile makes it more resistant to stains and moisture. If liquid stains spill on a glazed tile, it will remain on the surface without permeating into the tile. This will make it easy to clean the stain from the tile surface. Also, if water comes in contact with a glazed floor tile, it will not infiltrate into the tile. The cons of glazed tile are lower COF rating and cracks. The glazed top can make the tile become slippery when wet. And if the tile cracks for any reason, the cracks will be obvious. 

Pros and Cons of Unglazed Floor Tiles

Unglazed floor tiles don’t have a glass covering on their surfaces. The surface of an unglazed tile can be a bit rough, making it slip-resistant. That is why unglazed tiles boast a high COF rating. But unlike glazed tiles, unglazed floor tiles are porous, making them prone to water absorption. 


There are different types of floor tiles in Nigeria that you can use for your home improvement project. Ceramic and porcelain floor tiles in Nigeria are one of the most popular floor tiles and the best option for flooring your property. And if you want to try a different flooring option, you can use cement floor tiles in your house. 

Most homeowners have enjoyed the benefits of using stone tiles on their property. Of course, there are different types of stone tiles in Nigeria. Slate, limestone, and granite are just a few. If you want floor tiles with a shining surface, the best option to use is glazed porcelain or ceramic tiles. While glazed tiles are water-resistant and easy to clean, they have a low COF rating. 

Unglazed floor tiles have a high COF rating, but are porous. On a final note, adding a beautiful floor tile to your home will make it attractive and increase its curb appeal. This article on the types of floor tiles in Nigeria will help you to select the best to use in your home. 

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