Can You Put Artificial Grass Rugs on Dirt?

Are you planning to install artificial grass rugs on your property? Homeowners can install synthetic turf anywhere in their homes. You can lay artificial grass in your backyard, front yard, garden, children’s playground, and dog run. Aside from that, property owners can install artificial grass rugs on concrete and dirt. Laying synthetic turf on concrete is easy. This is because concrete slabs provide a hard surface that is perfect for artificial grass. But what about laying artificial grass on dirt? This article provides the answer to the question, can you put artificial grass rugs on dirt?

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Really, Can I Install Artificial Turf on Dirt?

While artificial grass is one of the best materials for garden landscaping, its installation requires the skill of an expert. Homeowners can lay their turf on any surface they choose. If you have an existing decking on your property, you can lay artificial grass carpets on it.

This way, you will use your synthetic turf as a rug to provide a soft surface for you to walk on. Aside from decking, if you have an old concrete slab in your backyard, artificial grass can save you the stress of destroying it. Just lay the turf on concrete and enjoy the strong sub-base concrete provided and the alluring green of artificial grass.

Those two surfaces we mentioned above are hard. But what about a soft surface like dirt? You can put artificial grass rugs on dirt, but with extra care. 

When Installing Artificial Grass on Dirt…

  • Never lay the synthetic turf directly on the soil.
  • It would be best to prepare a sub-base for your artificial turf to make it last longer. 
  • Never lay artificial grass on existing natural carpet grass.

Now let’s consider each point one after the other.

Never Lay Synthetic Turf Directly on the Soil

While putting your artificial grass directly on dirt can be tempting, it is not a good idea. This is because artificial turf requires a smooth surface to look good after installation. If you put the synthetic grass directly on the soil, you will risk having a garden with an uneven surface. 

Prepare a Sub-base for the Turf

When installing an artificial grass rug on dirt, you must prepare a sub-base. A sub-base will give your turf a solid base and ensure that it is properly landscaped and drained. The only exception to this is installing artificial turf on concrete or decking. 

Never Lay Artificial Grass on Existing Natural Grass

It would help if you did not put your artificial grass rug on an existing natural carpet grass as a rule of thumb. This is because the grass can grow through your turf. Also, you will have drainage issues when you do that. So, the best way to lay artificial grass rugs on dirt is to prepare a solid base for the turf. 

What You Need to Put Artificial Turf on Dirt

Now that you know that it is not a good idea to lay artificial grass directly on the soil, it is crucial to know how to prepare a solid base. When installing your turf, you will need a wheelbarrow, hand tamper, hammer, scissors or knife, weed barrier, gravel aggregate, seaming cloth, and the artificial grass rug. 

Putting Your Artificial Turf on Dirt, How to….

Let’s summarize the steps of installing an artificial grass rug in the headings below. 

Can You Put Artificial Grass Rugs on Dirt?

Step One – Clear the Soil

You have to clear the soil you will lay the turf on in this step. The essence of clearing the soil is to ensure that the ground is smooth and to leave no weed trace on it. You will need a shovel and wheelbarrow for this task. If you have to, you can dig into the ground a little to remove the topsoil if there is weed all over the place. 

Step Two – Lay Down the Weed Barrier

A weed barrier will prevent further grass growth after you have installed your turf. You should coat the surface of your garden with a weed barrier before laying the turf. 

Step Three – Add the Aggregate

The aggregate you will need to prepare the base for your artificial grass is crushed stones or gravel. Gravel will ensure that you have a solid base when you lay your turf. Spread the aggregate evenly over the place you want to install the turf and use a tamper to press it into the ground. 

Step Four – Add Sharp Sand 

After tampering the aggregate, you should add sharp sand on top to create a smooth surface. Sharp sand will ensure that your turf has a smooth base without the risk of feeling the hard surface of crushed stones. You will need to tamper the sand so that it will remain firm on the ground. 

Step Five – Lay the Turf

After preparing the base, it is time to put artificial grass rugs on it. You have to trim your grass so that it will fit in. Also, you will need to seam the turf at every joint to ensure it is smooth. 


Can you put artificial grass rugs on dirt? Yes, homeowners can install synthetic turfs on the ground. But remember that when putting artificial grass rugs on dirt, you must prepare a sub-base to ensure that your turf lasts longer. 

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